Every Brand Is Genuinely Unique

We Amplify Your Edge – Telling Your Story

Uniqueness Is Your Advantage

Today the average site visitor makes decisions about your site, products and brand in seconds. In the era of scrolling and scanning – immediate impressions are essential. We want three things to happen:

First, Introduce Your Brand – Keep text easy to read and engaging

Second, Invite Action – Use calls to action such as sign ups or learn more

Thirdly, Highlight Benefits – Be bullish about what you do. Chest pounding is encouraged

Your Edge Wins

Your edge is what makes you unique. It is your competitive advantage. Your edge is the foundation of your brand. Articulating your edge is a priority of R2 Branding – you’ll be glad it is.

We can’t overstate the importance of your edge. It is most likely the reason you’re in business. So we mean business when it comes to your edge.

Once your edge is defined we distill it to 8 words or less. This 8 word positioning statement is not a headline, not a slogan – but rather a compass point of building your brand.

Our Approach Is High Energy And Rigorous

Let the fun begin. Here our marketing acumen mashes-up into creative development. There are plenty of moving parts. Exactly what we want. This apex is our favorite phase of the entire process.

The transformation of concept to reality is what it’s all about. We go after this phase with a definite purpose. Not dissimilar from climbing a 14er…with a clear goal in mind. The summit! Mission accomplished.