Brilliantly Independent Thinking…

Building Brand Distinction

Welcome to R2 Branding. We exist for a single reason: to create brand distinctions people desire. We accomplish this by adhering to our Three Principles:

Audience Connections

Amplify Expertise

Communicate Benefits


Distinctively Define Your Brand

Manny brand’s struggle to define who they are. Merely stating “we’re different”, “new” or “low price” is not good enough today. Your distinction, is your reason for being, it must be concisely connected to the benefits your audience is looking for.
As a result our proven website design process zeros in on your distinct identity. Our process highlights your difference. That makes for a website that communicates and converts.

We Create Your Story To Connect

R2Branding creates connections by using your brand story or product edge to build a better website. Connecting to your target audience is key to building trust. As a result it’s the essential element to any successful website design.


Competition For Attention Is Intense

Designing a hard-working website is not rocket science. But there is a process. Our process, proven over 20 years, creates websites that work for you – standing out, building connection, winning.
Your site has less than one minute to capture a visitors attention. Data shows the average person nearly 7 hours per day on screens connected to the internet. Yet the average time a user spends on a website is 52 seconds.

Concur SEO

Search engines are like scouts who look at websites and try to understand what they’re about. By following SEO tips, we make it easier for search engines to know your website is THE destination for your target audience.

To learn more contact Rick Rusch rickr@r2branding.com303.396.5123